Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/21/2010 prayers please

I haven't blogged in awhile. Life is busy! I probably wouldn't be blogging right now if it wasn't for my followers. I feel like if I follow someones blog, they should blog once in awhile! I haven't taken very many pictures, but I have had my picture taken. I have done so much since I last post. I have also done a lot of thinking. I don't like to talk about my very personal life on the internet, but what other reasons do I have? Life has gotten harder and there's no need to act like everything's okay & that my world is perfect, when it's not. But the thing is, I hate to complain. So many more people are in such worse positions than I am. But some days- I crack under pressure. Tears flow and hearts are heavy in my world now. I try to think how blessed I really am, but some days it's hard to see. It's hard to even right about it. I feel the need to break down. Just to get everything out..
I pray and ask for the strength to be strong. For myself, my family... for my friends even. I want everything to be 'okay' and I do an amazing job at acting like everything is okay. I can smile when all I want to do is fall into someone's arms and cry. For someone to tell me that everything is going to be fine. I'm so thankful for the people I have!
I don't think I will share exactly whats going on around here.. but I feel so selfish to ask for prayers. Very selfish. My world has been altered yes, but there is so many worse things going on that need prayers. But I will. I feel I need them.
Please pray for my family and myself... for strength to make it through everyday with a smile on my face that isn't always fake. For some light.. I feel things will only get worse, before they get better. I like to brush that thought away. But I it's true. Please pray..
- Nicki xo
p.s. Here's pictures of how the days are. Black & White and blurry. But love is there.

wow. what a post. tears are flowing.. prayers are need xo


  1. Oh Nikki! It's okay to ask for prayers! That's what the family of God is for. I'm saying a prayer for you right now and hoping that God brings peace to your situation, whatever it may be. Hugs!!!

    And thank you so much for following my blog. Your comment today made my day. :-)

  2. just came over form stacey's blog...

    and have to agree with her. it is completely ok to ask for prayer. in fact i think that it is in the asking that the healing can begin :)
    i think that God designed it that way. so that we can be there for one another.

    praying for you. though i might not know the details i can say that i have felt similar pain. smiling when i've felt like crying. trying to be strong when i've felt more than weak.
    i pray for strength, peace and a place of rest for you. for the ability to surrender and rest in God's perfect peace.

    p.s those pictures are perfect :)


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